My Weight Loss Journey – Seema Joshi

This post is also available in: Hindi

My name is Seema. I am a mother of two lovely kids and I belong to a middle class family. I had a job of a web designer until I was married. After marriage, I am a housewife and I work for my web designing for 2-3 hours from home itself.

My weight is a bit more, ohh sorry; it is not a bit more but a lot more. According to my height, my weight should be 55 kgs but my weight is….90 kgs. Yeah, this is such a huge number that I feel ashamed to tell it to anyone 🙁 🙁 But how did it increase to this level, you can see it here.

Know more


This year in 2016, I want to decrease my weight/obesity. I have set my target as 60 kgs, it means, I need to reduce 30 kgs. Yes, this is a huge target but I will try my best. I am like the every second fat person, who always wishes to get slim but never urges to do anything for it. I have tried many times, but I have never continued it for more than 2-3 weeks.

But this time I have decided that I will try my best and for that, I have started writing this blog. So that, I can have a pressure inside that I have to come up here and update it. I have felt at many places that this has an effect on me. And if I am able to lose weight then I can find out here about what works and what not. A way can be found out, which can maybe help out those who are worried about their obesity and wish to reduce their weight, but are unable to find the right direction. But this still has a long way; the party has just begun. 😀




January 2016 – The Beginning of My Weight Loss Program

4 January – 8 February
My weight – 90 kgs

Before Weight Loss Pictures

Seema before 2016
Seema Before pics 2016


What did I do – The first thing I did was to start walking for 20 minutes in the morning, for 6 days a week, which I followed entirely from 4 January to 8 February.

What was the result – 0, my weight did not reduce even a bit but I feel a bit light now and now I can easily do the things which I found difficult to do earlier. Probably the morning walk has made by body a bit flexible.

What else was done in January, see it elaborately here.



February 2016 – No Change in Weight

8 February – 28 February
Weight – 90 kgs

What did I do – This time along with walking, I also started doing pranayama  kapaalbhaati and anulom-vilom for 10-15 minutes.

What was the result – 0, my weight did not reduce even a bit. I read at many places and got to know that, 20 minutes of morning walk can improve your health but does not reduce weight. I am able to understand that this is not enough. That is why I started researching more about reducing weight.

What else was done in February, see it elaborately here.



March 2016 – Children’s examinations and research

1 March – 18 March
My weight – 90 kgs

What did I do – The first 15 days of march passed in the children’s examinations, due to which only slight exercise could be done. But this time I read a lot of articles related to obesity.

What was the result – Weight stayed the same, 90 kgs, no change. But I read many articles and got to know that reducing weight depends upon 70% diet, 20% exercise and 10% lifestyle. Ohh, this is a very important point; I need to think about my diet.

What else was done in March, see it elaborately here.



April 2016, What I have been doing wrong, and which is the right way for weight loss

19 March – 4 April
My weight – 90 kgs

What did I do – I am doing a 20 minutes’ walk, 15 minutes pranayama. I have left tea, and I used to eat 6 chapattis in a day, which is reduced and made it to 4 chapattis.

What was the result – No reduction in my weight L. But after reading more and more articles, I came to know that dieting does not mean to eat less, but to eat nutritious, which does not increase weight but reduces it. It means that now one diet plan has to be prepared and I did just that.

Prepared a diet plan – I prepared a diet plan of my own to get slim and made some changes in the exercises too.

You must read the article for March, I have written everything in it, the way I found the right direction.



22 April 2016 – Finally one kg of weight is reduced – for the first time – Wowwww

4 April – 22 April
My weight– 89 kgs

What did I do – I followed my diet chart and exercise schedule. I quit eating sweets, or that every food item which is made up of white sugar, I quit eating that.

What was the result – I reduced one kg of weight. Wow, Finally, I can feel that I have found the way. The changes made in the diet plan and exercises are coming in use. Today I am really happy. Today I feel like dancing in happiness.

What else was done in April, see it elaborately here.

Nothing taste better than losing weight



10 May – Wow, I lost 2 more kgs – My diet is working

23 April – 10 May
My weight – 87 kgs

What did I do – I followed my diet chart and exercise schedule.

What was the result – I reduced 2 kgs in the last 15 days and if we look at the last 30 days, then I reduced 3 kgs. All that is because of this diet plan and exercise schedule.

Read here elaborately about it here.



25 May 2016 – 1 more kg is reduced and now my weight is 86 kgs 😀

10 May – 25 May
My weight – 86 kgs

What did I do – I followed my diet chart and exercise schedule, but not entirely. There were guests in the house since the last 10 days, so many things are left. I have made some other changes, like now I eat food while chewing more and more. And I try to know more and more about calories. Also, I have learnt a new method about coriander juice to reduce obesity.

What was the result – 1 kg was lost in the last 15 days.

What else was done in May, see it elaborately here.



31 May 2016 – 1 more kg is reduced and now my weight is 85 kgs 🙂

25 May – 31 May
My weight – 85 kgs

Total weight lost till now – 5 kgs

What did I do – I have made some more changes in my diet, like I have added one weight loss drink in it. You can see the new diet here.

What was the result – I have reduced 1 more kg. Changes made in the diet were beneficial. Now I eat something healthy every now and then, which always gives energy. Honestly speaking, now I do not really feel hungry at all.

You can read more elaborately here.



15 June 2016 – No change in weight (12- day trip)

31 May – 15 June
My weight– 85 kgs

What did I do – I was on a 12- day trip. Neither did I follow the diet plan, nor did I exercise. I travelled a lot and I ate outside with all the unhealthy food. But I took care of one thing, that I should not eat more. I ate everything, spicy, tangy, oily,  pizza, burger, but I ate everything in small amounts.
What was the result – There was no change in my weight, it did not decrease or increase. I was afraid, what if eating so much of outside food increases my weight, but thank god that did not happen.
To know more about these 15 days, see elaborately here.



15 July 2016 – 1.5 kgs of weight reduced with a lot of difficulty

15 June – 15 July
My weight – 83.5 kgs

What did I do – Made some more changes in diet, you can see it here. I also kept a continuation with the exercise schedule.

Seema 83-5kg July 2016
What was the result – There were no changes in the weight for the first 25 days. Then 1.5 kgs of weight was reduced in the last 5 days. The reason for this is weight loss plateau, in which obesity reduces but weight does not. To know about it elaborately, read it here.



August September Update – 3 Kilo Weight Loss

Seema Sep 16 80 Kilo
15 July– 15 September
My weight – 80 kilo

What did I do –  I followed almost same diet plan from 15 July to 15 September.
But in these 2 months, I researched quite a lot about calories in Indian food and also prepared its list. And I also prepared a list of those food items which increase our metabolism. Only 3 kgs are reduced in the past 2 months, so according to my research, I have prepared a better diet plan for bit faster weight loss and I have been following it since the last 15 days. Let us see how much effect it has in the next one month.

What was the result – In the last 2 months, 3 kgs were reduced. I also found out from the research that the reason behind losing my body weight slowly and steadily is my hard fat, which is getting soft slowly, meaning that my weight and size has no noticeable changes but my fat has turned soft, which has a chance of burning fat at a faster pace.
You can see the information regarding hard/soft fat, my new diet, which Indian food contains how many calories and which Indian food increases metabolism here on my Detailed Aug-Sep Update.



October – Happy Diwali – Yaaahoooo Lost 4 kgs, Now my weight is 76 kilo


Seema 76 kilo 2 nov

15 September– 31 October
My weight – 76 kilo

What did I do –  Happy Diwali, my Diwali was spent well but instead of eating special food during this diwali, I followed my diet itself. And it had a lot of benefits. In the past 1.5 months, I made a lot of small changes in my diet such as, firstly I cut down my old diet to half and I started consuming cinnamon and ginger tea instead of cumin and carom seeds tea (jeera ajwain tea). I increased the calorie intake in my dinner and started drinking water mixed with coconut oil. I made some other small changes too, which were beneficial.You can see the information in elaboration here.

What was the result – In the past 1.5 months, I lost 4 kgs. Yes, you read it right, 4 kgs. Isn’t it amazing?! In the earlier months (15 Sept- 15 Oct), I lost around 1- 2 kgs only, but after making the changes in the diet, I lost 2- 3 kgs in the last 15 days. And I also lost some inches. Now the depression which I felt due to slow weight loss was lessened, and I have started feeling a new energy within me.
You can view detailed information about what i did in Oct here at October update.


NOTE – I have completed almost half of the journey till my target. My aim was to lose 30 kgs, in which I have lost 14 kgs till now. Now I need to lose 16 more kgs. The goal is still far away, but I feel that, now I know how to walk through this journey.



Half Way Done




3 kgs Lost during Nov- Dec, But With a Lot of Difficulties

seema 73 kilo 31 jan

1 November– 31 December
My weight – 73 kilo

Today is the last day of the year. At the beginning of the year, I had thought that I would be able to reduce 30 kgs till December, but I managed to lose only 17 kgs in total which is more than half of the estimation. But that’s good, I am happy that I have reduced this much 

What did I do – The past 2 months were horrible. The beginning of November went well, when I had followed the same diet as of October. But then things worsened, one after the other, due to which I was not able to follow my diet and exercise regime regularly. After the 15th of November, I had to attend three weddings of my close relatives which included almost 10 days of parties. After that, my sister visited Jaipur along with her family. But the worst part was when I suffered from chikanguniya, due to which I had to rest on the bed for 10 days straight. You could assume my condition after these subsequent incidences. But I started following my diet and exercise again after December 15.

I made some changes in the diet during these 2 months as well. For instance, drinking only warm water helped me a lot in these 2 months. According to many experts, drinking warm water can help in weight loss, and I could feel the difference.

All the information regarding these 2 months and the changes made in the diet plan can be seen here: November December 16 Full Update.

What was the result – I reduced 1 kg at the beginning of November but I gained the lost 1 kg again till the end of the month. And after there was no change in my weight after that till 15th December. Somehow I was bit benefitted from chikanguniya. As I was majorly on a liquid diet during that 10 days phase due to which I did not gain any weight neither did I lose any. But I was able to lose 3 kgs in the last 15 days. So I lost a total of 3 kgs in these 2 months.

It is a bit difficult to explain about these 2 months in detail. To know about the fully explained journey of the months November- December 16 Full Update, visit here.


January- February 2017 (Depression), Gaining Weight and Losing it Thereafter

A very happy new year 🙂  As the new year unfolds, I wish that all your wishes come true. Wish you a very happy new year!

76 kilo - 30 Jan 17 Seema Joshi

1 January– 28 February
My weight – 73 kilo

In these last 10 months, the months of January and February of 2017 were the worst. There were some difficulties in the months of November- December 2016 as well but I was able to lose some weight at that time. But due to the consecutive difficulties which I had been facing continuously, I lost weight at a very slow pace, and due to this I went into depression. I had faced this situation once in the past but this time it has risen. And due to this, instead of losing weight, I gained some kilos in the month of January. My weight went up to be 76 kgs again till the end of January. You might imagine my feeling at that moment. I was feeling as if I am about to drown in the middle of the ocean.

My husband took on a trip to help me cope up with the depression, through which I felt a lot more energetic and hopeful again. And I began with my diet again in February. I made some changes in it as well. I included basic weight training along with cardio in my exercise regime which benefited a lot and by the end of February, my weight bounced back to 73 kgs. I took a sigh of relief at that time.

I put on some weight and reduced it as well in these 2 months. To know more about how I gained weight, how did I reduce it, the changes made in my diet plan and exercise regime, visit January and February 2017 Full update here.


March – I reduced 3 kgs within only 12 days, oh I am so happy 🙂 …

70-kilo on 12 March 2017- Seema Joshi

1st – 12th March 2017
My weight – 70 kilo

I am feeling enthusiastic again after a long time. I lost 3 kgs in the last 12 days. I followed the same diet as February but I made a few changes to it, which is necessary from time to time. The most effective parameters were cardio and basic weight training. I am feeling a bit of strain in my body. I have lost 20 kgs up till now and I have completed around 66% of my goal. You can see the happiness on my face.

You can see the detailed diet plan of March, the changes made in it and the exercise regime, March Full Update here.




Seema April17 68kg

12th March – 25 April 2017
My weight – 68 kilo

Hello friends. The months of February and March passed as usual. I lost 2 kgs in these 1.5 months. However this time I felt a huge change in my size. During your weight loss regime, sometimes you lose weight and at other times, you lose size. I did not lose much weight this time as I had hoped but there is a massive difference in my size. My dress size, which was XXL and XL last year (when I weighed 90 kgs), has turned out to be Medium and even Small in some brands. And the most amazing part is that my skin did not loosen during my weight loss. It could be due to many reasons, all of which you can see here.
I have made some changes in m exercises. Now I especially work on those body parts which have a lot of fat, such as arms, thighs and hips.

One more good news is that I am beginning my Weight Loss Channel on YouTube, on which I would be sharing my entire experience, diet, exercises, tips and every other aspect. I would be uploading my first video very soon. I am a bit nervous as well, because there’s a difference between writing and speaking. But if you guys support me, I am sure that nervousness would vanish away too 🙂

You can view the entire diet of the past 1.5 months, new exercises and all the information regarding my new weight loss channel at this complete post.




Seema 65 kilo Jun17

26 April – 25 Jun 2017
My weight – 65.5 kilo

May and June were good as well as bad. I lost around 3 kgs in May but I could not regularly follow my diet and workout in June, and I often binged on high caloric snacks, which led to increase in my weight by 1.5 kgs. I again followed diet and workout to lose 1 kg. So I lost a total of 2.5 kgs in these 2 months.

I had hoped higher, but you know that summer vacations are like this for us mothers. You have guests at your place, and you go to your native place. And this phase involves pure fun, like shopping, travelling, eating out and you tend to eat good treats at your home as well. Your exercise schedule is also disturbed. Waking up late, going out in the evening, and hence no workout.

Even then I managed to lose weight, by god’s grace. You can see all the details of the recent diet, workouts (whatever was followed) and other schedule here.


Weight Loss Diet



26 Jun – 15 August 2017
My weight – 62 kilo

I am really happy today as my weight has reached 62 kgs, I am just 2 kgs away from my target weight. I feel like I am about to reach my destination. 😀

I followed 100% of my diet and exercise regime this time, which gave me good results as well. I put on weight during June but I made some good changes in my diet, like adding Apple Cider vinegar and drinking green tea 2 times a day. Due to monsoon, I increased my liquid intake and exercised 2 times a day. And all this helped me to lose weight effectively.

And now whoever I meet, gives me good compliments, like “you did it”, “wow you have changed completely” and “you look nice”. This boosts your confidence a lot, and you try to do better.
Let’s now talk about the past 1.5 months in detail, such as what the diet was, what was done during the workouts, and much more. See here.



JSep-Oct Update – A Big U Turn – Put On 4 Kgs – How ??

Sep oct update seema

16 August to 30 October
My weight – 66 kilo

In these 2.5 months, Sep and October, I gained 4 kgs. Yes it means that all the hard work put in these months have gone in vain. But how did this happen? It all happened due to the renovation work of our place (painting, plumbing, carpenter work, polish, etc), which was pending since a long time. There was a lot of work, so there were a lot of workers too. There was too much rush throughout the day at our place, due to which I couldn’t follow the diet or exercise, and my weight kept on increasing.

I thought that I just have to reduce 2 kgs now, and my aim would be fulfilled. But that did not happen. Well, this is a part of life and it does not always follow according to your desires. Situations change but you shouldn’t lose your aim. I am going to start following my diet and workout 100% again and I’ll finish what I have started.

Note– You guys must be having this question. Do we need to follow this diet for the rest of our lives? And if not followed, will we gain the weight back again? No, it isn’t like that. To find its answer and to check the full information update of September- October, see here.









6 Kilo to go – I will keep you updated….









NOTE - Friends, I am not dietitian or Doctor, I write information here on the basis of my own 25 kilo weight loss experience and sometimes from online research. Please take doctor advice before applying any tip, as each and every human body is different.

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  • manisha pansari
    Posted at 06:18h, 28 February Reply

    0mg plz update soon i m waiting desperatly .what happn aftr oct. n how u look now in feb 17. really inspiring story for me. when i got married i was 48 kg now i m 70 kg . wanna reduce 20 kg . i m going to start proper diet n exercise walkin routine frm 2mmow.

    • SeeMe
      Posted at 04:29h, 04 April Reply

      Manisha sorry for Late response, Dont know how my software marked your message as spam, Just found this. I updated Last months weight loss updates, Please check. And if you still dont have a diet plan in your hand, You can start with, That helped me to reduce my weight.

  • suresh
    Posted at 11:22h, 11 June Reply

    good to know and details about the diet

  • Pratik Zende
    Posted at 10:43h, 20 August Reply

    Ms. Seema,
    Was searching for weight loss diet for myself, came across your blog, I’m highly inspired by you. Thanks for sharing your journey. Really loved that never give up attitude…
    You are truly amazing. May you achieve your goal asap.

    Thanks for motivating 🙂

    • SeeMe
      Posted at 14:20h, 21 August Reply

      Thanks allot Pratik, That’s really kind of you to say. 🙂
      I am now 3 kg less from my 30kg goal. Hope to achieve that soon 🙂

  • doreen
    Posted at 19:24h, 15 September Reply

    Thanks so much Seeme. U just lifted my spirit. Presently I weigh 94kg and my problem area is my bulging tummy, I ve been trying to go on keto diet since last year. But l couldn’t do it because I so much like eating. But l think I can follow your method. You really did a good job and you look well trimmed. By the way, Doreen is the name, 44yrs and a mother of three. Thanks once again for this inspiring posts on your weight loss journey. . I will go get my corriander and lemon for a start. Bye

    • SeeMe
      Posted at 13:13h, 19 September Reply

      Thanks 🙂 That’s my pleasure, if i inspire someone. Doreen Mam, Just start and stay motivated. You can see Weight loss takes good time but if you follow your diet and workouts daily, nobody can stop you. As friend, i want to suggest, single drink cant help you much in weight loss, you need to follow a complete diet, Thats the only way to reduce good amount of weight. Yeah we need control our cravings, i shared few ideas in this video, plz check that,

      Also you can check my Weight loss diet here,

      And All the Best for your weight loss and feel free to contact me anytime with any query 🙂

  • Sultana Sheriff
    Posted at 23:14h, 28 September Reply

    Hi Seema, your journey is so inspiring after checking your blog I started my journey on 9th sept 2017 weighing 83.8 kgs, i followed the diet and exercise regime and have lost 2 kgs 800 grams as of 28th sept 2017, my weight now is 81 kgs, I am so happy i just can’t express, my target is 55 kgs and I am sure I can do that, looking at you, your story is truly inspiring, Thank you 🙂

    • SeeMe
      Posted at 17:09h, 02 October Reply

      Wow Sultana, thats great. I am feeling happy this blog is providing right path toweight watchers. It took me 3 months to understand that diet is most important thing in weight loss. In start you lose water weight, fat loss start after losing 4-5 kilos weight. So keep rotating the drinks, teas and keep changing diet foods to get maximum benefits of all weight loss foods. And remember, if you have any question i am always here, connect with me on Facebook for faster response.

  • basha
    Posted at 06:30h, 23 October Reply

    respected madam,

    iam very much happy to see your day by day changing images, maam i wud like to know the any fat cutter juices you used for reducing weight loss , inspite of diet and excersises.. if any thing is there kindly tell me. thanking you

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